Welcome to the happiness’s Heineken world; for a good price you will be happy for three days. You will experience a feeling impossible to forget and impossible to pay, you will learn how real life is, and you will enjoy it like you have never done before. Just spend your money here and you will become a beautiful, interesting, intelligent, and alternative person. All your problems will disappear, since world is beautiful in Benicassim.

Fiber lambs pretends to draw a simple, funny and ironic analogy about contemporary individual alienation and how people cling to prefabricated happiness sessions in order to make up for their dissatisfaction state. This project is not aimed to be critical with festivals or society, but to show us the way we really are. We seem like a leaded flock, unable to choose and lost in its own existence; we react at a dog’s bark, while being innocent citizens, who act as lambs, convinced by the wrong idea that we take our own decisions.

Festivals are a world apart where you can leave out all comforts, in order to enjoy music, drugs, alcohol, sex, and out-of-the-tent fashion and community cold showers. People turn into an ecstasy state, which has lately become understood as ‘fun’. Basically festivals are massive, artificial and quick production factories manufacturing superimposed memories, most of them beautiful. We all attend them, and decide to live a lamb’s life, to feel some happiness, by running away from routine and having something to tell, also feeling free, strong, and different in the middle of a flock looking for the same.

Festivals are for ‘alternative people’ what soccer stadiums are for the rest; the new cathedrals. Nowadays society just forgets about real life and routine, in order to enjoy the experiences created by others. Which kind of dogma are these new religions administering by making us forget about ourselves? Maybe the answer is a search for happiness, vitality, and an emotions twister, which we cannot obtain from our lives. We are overwhelmed by movies, serials and commercials which tell a whole life in 90 minutes or 30 seconds, of course, a certainly intense one. We are influenced by this life whirlpool, thus becoming under pressure to constantly renew ourselves, in permanent feeling explosions. Nevertheless, life is not like that, but we are not able to admit it. We go to festivals and watch soccer matches; sometimes we do not have enough and live our lives in a constant search for the Holy Grail. Unfortunately, we do not find it, but produce our own prefabricated memory matrix thanks to soccer and festivals.

We are a flock sheared again and again, which end up served in a restaurant menu.

martes, 21 de julio de 2009


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